MEAT PROGRAM FOR VETERANS IN NEED-Since 2008 we have provided over 58,000 packages of meat to over 11,000 veterans and families of vets, National Guard families, etc. This is possible via our coordination with Oregon State Police, Oregon Fish and Wildlife, Sport hunter donations. Game handed out to date; Bear, Duck, Elk, and Deer.
PATRIOTIC PEN- An annual program involving junior high students in Douglas County, students judged in contest regarding Patriotic themes with winners paid out award monies.
VOICE OF DEMOCRACY - An annual program involving High school students, where winners are awarded scholarship monies, with winners advancing to state and National completion for college scholarships. Click Here to Read more....
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Post Build Out


Expand building to provide for office space needed for Post Office and staff. This will move the "Meat Program" from sheds to a dedicated room in the main building.
Estimated cost: $110,000.00
Existing office space will become meat storage and processing center for game and meats donated from local entities.
The meat program has been in existence since 2008 in coordination with Oregon State Police, Oregon Fish and Wildlife, and sport hunter donations. Meat provided has been Deer Elk, Bear, Duck and Salmon.
Meat has been provided to over 11,000 Veterans and their families, National Guard families and approximately 10% has been the general community and 20% assistance to other outreach programs that serve the general public.
Operation Homefront-Schools: Prior to the school year starting, hand out school supplies for children of veteran's and military families. Items for schools include pens pencils, paper etc. in concert with Dollar Store.
Operation Homefront-Christmas gifts for children of veteran's and military families that are in need. Families that would not otherwise not enjoy Christmas gifts without these generous donations. In conjunction with The Dollar Store.
Transportation assistance - gas certificates where we provide up to $30.00 for gasoline to Veteran's in need of assistance.
Voice of Democracy - a scholarship competition for 9th grade through 12th grade Americans, statewide to national levels with scholarships ranging from $1000.00 to $35,000.00for the grand prize scholarship.
Patriot's Pen - A statewide competition for scholarships to your American 6th grade to 8th grade that leads to a national competition with scholarships ranging from $500.00 to $5000.00. There are $1,000,000.00 dollars of scholarships available.
Veteran's Remembrance Wall - A monument adjacent to our VFW Post 2468 honoring those who have serviced our country in foreign war or conflict.
Up Coming Events
9th - 19:00 (7 pm) - VFW Post Meeting
11th - 11:00 (11am) VFW Auxiliary Meeting
14th - 10:00 (10am) Save the VA Meeting
14th - 14:00 (2pm) VFW House Committee Meeting
16th - 18:00 (6pm) - VFW Potluck open to all
24th and 25th - Mid Winter Conference and State Scholarships
- 8th - 11:00 (11am) - VFW Auxiliary Meeting
- 11th 10:00 (10am) - Save the VA Meeting
- 11th 14:00 (2pm) VFW House Committee Meeting
- 13th 18:00 (6pm) - VFW Meeting
- 20th - 18:00 (6pm) - VFW Potluck open to All
- March
- 8th - 11:00 (am) - VFW Auxiliary Meeting
- 11th 10:00 (10am) - Save the VA Meeting
- 11th 14:00 ( 2pm) VEW House Committee Meeting
- 13th 18:00 (6pm) - VFW Meeting
- 20th - 18:00 (6pm) - VFW Potluck open to All
Post Officers
Important Information
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Wildlife Advocacy for Veterans
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2024 -2025
Commander: David West
Senior Vice : Michael Eakin
Junior Vice: Eric Bagwell
Quartermaster: Ronnie Thomlison
Chaplain: Tomas E North
1year Trustee: Ed Goodman
2 year Trustee: Monte Montegomery
3 year Trustee: Mikel Deal
Adjutant: Steve Bennett
Service Officer: David West