Roseburg,Oregon, A memorial dedicated to all Veterans, living or deceased that served in a theater of operation recognized by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is being constructed on the VFW property located in Roseburg,Or.The project came about because of the need to acknowledge Veterans that put themselves in harms way for the cause of Freedom. It shows that with a Patriotic community, things can move forward said Post Commander Mike Eakin. We have had a wonderful team of volunteers including Victory Builders,Home Depot, Charlie Co. 1/186th Infantry Oregon National Guard, Douglas County Sherriff Department and many volunteers from the VFW including 94 year old Ralph Clark, a World War II Veteran. Tom Meyer owner of FX designs got heavily involved with the design of the Black Mongolian Marble plaques and etchings for the memorial. The memorial is quite unique and while the attraction, which features a likeness to the USS Missouri, water splashing against the bow as it cuts through the water, and the individual Veterans plaques utilizing a QR code documenting the Veterans’ BIO, was dedicated on Veterans Day,2013. Visitors to the memorial will be able to find their loved ones plaque and using a smart phone can scan the QR code and it will bring up the Veterans information that is also stored on the memorial webpage. These individual plaques are remarkable showing the Veterans name,branch of service, where they served, their picture and bio. The cost of each plaque is $175.00 and can be purchased via the webpage www.vfwremembrancewall.com or by contacting the Commander at area code 541-672-9716. Veterans on the wall can be from any branch of service and do not have to be a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars but have had to serve in an area recognized by the VFW.Think about what this memorial will mean to your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.Michael Eakin, Commander Patrick W. Kelley Post 2468,Roseburg,Oregon 97470